Texas School for the Deaf

The All-Deaf roster of the Texas Rangers football team win the 2020 Texas State Championship

Defying the odds on and off the field, these young men prove that anything is possible


Genre: Sports, Drama, Representation

Similar Films: Coda, Remember the Titans, Audible Documentary

Producers: Corey McGowan

We open to a black screen and only the beat of a reverberating drum exists. The beat stops. Silence. We fade up on a six-man football game between The Texas School for the Deaf Rangers and the Veritas Academy Defenders. We are in the midst of a Rangers offensive drive when we fade to six months prior, to the very onset of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States. News coverage is heard with its correspondent describing the shutdowns and the rapidly changing world. What is quickly proving to be an unprecedented time, is most heavily felt in the world of sports. Football was no exception and that is when we begin to explore the students, administrators and parents associated with the Texas School for the Deaf in Austin. At the Texas School for the Deaf, they believe that sports breed a level of growth above and beyond what the classroom can.